On 14 February,the Marriott Grand Hotel in Moscow housed the ΧΙΙ International ConferencePharmaceutical Business in Russia: Promising Scenario of the Pharmaceutical Market for 2017, which brought togethermore than 300 leading experts—representatives of domestic and foreign pharmaceutical companies, marketing companies, Russian government authorities. The forum, held with the supportof the Association of International Pharmaceutical Manufacturers, was organised by Infor-media Russia and its partners, among which were Aston Group, AlphaRM, KPMG, Gorodissky, GFK, Navicon, Samsung, Polymedia, DSM Group.
During the conference, Vneshtorg Farma’s CEO Alexander Ovchinnikov and CMO Valentina Proydakovatook part in discussionson the current state and the development prospects of the Russian pharmaceutical market and pharmacy business, on a number of innovations in the field of marketing,on new opportunities for cooperation with pharmacy chains;exchanged views on some burning issuesthat currently concern manufacturers of medicines and biologically active dietary supplements;talked about the company’s results for 2016.